Full Mouth Restoration

Full Mouth Restoration

Full Mouth Restoration

Restore your teeth and reclaim your smile

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your smile? Do you have multiple dental issues that are affecting your oral health and overall well-being? A full mouth restoration may be right option for you. This comprehensive dental treatment is designed to address all of your dental concerns and transform your smile. With a full mouth restoration, you can achieve a healthy, functional, and beautiful smile that will boost your confidence and improve your quality of life. Let’s explore what a full mouth restoration entails and how it can benefit you.

middle aged woman smiling

What is a full mouth restoration?

Full mouth restoration is a comprehensive dental treatment that involves restoring or replacing all of the teeth in the upper and lower jaws. This treatment is designed for individuals who have multiple dental problems, including missing, damaged, or decayed teeth, gum disease, bite problems, and other oral health issues. Full mouth restoration is a customized treatment plan that may involve a combination of dental procedures, such as dental implants, crowns, bridges, veneers, gum treatments, and orthodontics. The goal of full mouth restoration is to restore the health, function, and appearance of the entire mouth, improving the patient’s oral health and quality of life. If you have multiple dental issues that are impacting your smile, Full Mouth Restoration may be the solution you’ve been looking for.

What procedures are part of a full mouth restoration?

A full mouth restoration might include any of the following procedures:

  • Dental implants: A surgical procedure to replace missing teeth with artificial teeth that are anchored to the jawbone.
  • Crowns and bridges: Restorative dental procedures that can be used to repair damaged or missing teeth.
  • Veneers: A cosmetic dental procedure that involves placing thin shells of porcelain or composite resin on the front surface of the teeth to improve their appearance.
  • Orthodontics: A branch of dentistry that involves the use of braces, clear aligners, or other appliances to straighten teeth and correct bite problems.
  • Periodontal (gum) therapy: Treatment of gum disease, which can involve scaling and root planing, antibiotics, and other procedures.
  • Endodontic (root canal) therapy: A procedure to remove infected or damaged tissue from the inner part of a tooth and replace it with a filling.
  • Dental fillings: A procedure to remove decayed material from a tooth and fill the cavity with a restorative material such as composite resin or amalgam.
  • Dental bonding: A cosmetic dental procedure that uses a tooth-colored resin to repair chipped, cracked, or discolored teeth.
  • Tooth extractions: Removal of a tooth that is damaged, decayed, or causing other dental problems.
  • TMJ (temporomandibular joint) therapy: Treatment for disorders of the jaw joint, which can involve exercises, medication, or in severe cases, surgery.
  • Bone grafting: A surgical procedure to replace missing bone in the jaw to provide support for dental implants or other restorations.
  • Sinus lifts: A surgical procedure to add bone to the upper jaw in order to support dental implants.
  • Gum grafting: A surgical procedure to replace lost or damaged gum tissue.
  • Teeth whitening: A cosmetic dental procedure that uses bleaching agents to lighten the color of the teeth.

More Questions about Full Mouth Restorations?
Contact our office today to schedule a consultation. We can go over all your dental options and customize a dental plan just for you. We look forward to seeing you.

man in dental chair looking at monitor

Are you a candidate for a full mouth restoration?

Patients who suffer from multiple dental issues such as chipped or missing teeth, cracked or broken crowns, severe decay, enamel breakdown, and stains may benefit from a full mouth restoration. This comprehensive treatment approach aims to restore the function, health, and aesthetic of the entire mouth.

Dental issues such as missing or damaged teeth can make it difficult to chew, speak, and even smile with confidence. A full mouth restoration can address these issues and restore the ability to perform basic oral functions with ease. It can also enhance the appearance of your teeth and boost your self-esteem.

Moreover, some patients choose to undergo a full mouth restoration to correct crooked or misaligned teeth without undergoing orthodontic treatment. This is especially beneficial for those who may not have the time or patience for traditional braces or aligners.

If you’re experiencing dental pain or discomfort, difficulty eating or speaking, or if you’re unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, schedule a consult with our Lawrence, MA dentist to determine if a full mouth restoration is right for you. We will evaluate your oral health and create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your individual needs and goals.

before full mouth restoration mouth

Planning full mouth restoration

A dental professional will evaluate and plan out a full mouth restoration by performing a comprehensive examination of the teeth, gums, and jawbone. This process includes several steps:

  • Comprehensive Dental Exam: The first step in planning a full mouth restoration is a comprehensive dental exam, which includes taking x-rays, photographs, and impressions of the teeth and gums. This allows the dentist to evaluate the overall health of the mouth and identify any underlying issues that need to be addressed.
  • Oral Health Evaluation: The dentist will evaluate the overall oral health of the patient, which includes examining the teeth and gums for signs of decay, damage, or infection. They will also check for signs of periodontal disease, which can affect the health of the gums and bone supporting the teeth.
  • Bite Analysis: The dentist will evaluate the patient’s bite and jaw function to determine if there are any issues with alignment or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder.
  • Treatment Planning: Based on the findings of the examination, the dentist will create a personalized treatment plan that addresses the patient’s individual needs and goals. This may involve restorative procedures such as fillings, porcelain crowns, or bridges, orthodontic treatment, periodontal treatment, and cosmetic dentistry procedures such as teeth whitening or veneers.
  • Reviewing Treatment Options: The dentist will review the treatment plan with the patient, explaining the various options available and their benefits and risks. They will also discuss the expected timeline, cost, and any possible complications or side effects.
  • Follow-Up: Once the treatment plan has been agreed upon, the dentist will schedule the necessary appointments and follow-up visits to ensure the success of the full mouth restoration and maintain the health and longevity of the restorations.


Can a full mouth restoration fix my crooked teeth without braces?

Yes, a full mouth restoration can involve cosmetic procedures such as veneers or bonding to improve the appearance of crooked or misaligned teeth.

Will my full mouth restoration look natural?

Yes, a skilled and experienced dentist can create natural-looking restorations that blend in with your existing teeth and enhance the appearance of your smile.

How much does a full mouth restoration cost?

The cost of a full mouth restoration can vary depending on the extent of the treatment. It is important to schedule a consultation with at our dental office to get an accurate estimate of the cost.

Can a full mouth restoration improve my overall oral health?

Yes, a full mouth restoration can address multiple dental issues, such as decay, damage, or misalignment, which can improve the overall health of your mouth.

Is there a dentist near me in Lawrence, MA that offers full mouth restorations?

Yes.  At our Lawrence, MA dental office we offer full mouth restorations to patients from Lawrence, MA and the surrounding area.  Contact our office today to schedule an appointment.

Complete and Partial Dentures

Complete and Partial Dentures

Custom Dentures

Enhance your oral health and function with dentures

Missing teeth can take a toll on one’s confidence and quality of life, making it difficult to smile, eat, and speak with ease. Thankfully, modern dentistry has provided us with effective solutions to restore missing teeth, including dentures and permanent dentures. Dentures are a removable replacement for missing teeth that not only restore your smile but also enhance your oral health and function. Whether you need a complete set of dentures or just a partial one, you can rely on them to give you a natural-looking and comfortable fit. Permanent dentures, on the other hand, are a non-removable solution that can be attached to dental implants or remaining natural teeth, providing a secure and stable fit that feels and functions like natural teeth. Regardless of which option you choose, dentures and permanent dentures can help you regain your confidence and improve your quality of life.

senior man at dentists office

What are dentures?

Dentures are dental prostheses designed to replace natural teeth that have been lost or removed. These artificial teeth and gums are custom-made by your dentist to fit your mouth and restore your ability to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. Depending on your needs, dentures can be full or partial, replacing either all teeth on the top or bottom gum line or just a few missing ones. Your dentures will be tailored to fit your unique mouth shape and color-matched to blend seamlessly with your existing teeth, ensuring a natural-looking and comfortable fit.

complete dentures

Complete Dentures

Complete dentures are removable dental appliances designed to replace all of the natural teeth in either the upper or lower jaw, or both. They consist of a gum-colored acrylic base that supports a full set of artificial teeth, which are custom-made to fit your mouth and closely mimic the appearance of natural teeth.

Partial dentures

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are dental prostheses designed to replace one or several missing teeth. Unlike complete dentures, partial dentures attach to the remaining natural teeth with metal clasps or precision attachments, providing a secure and stable fit.

immediate denture

Immediate Dentures

Immediate dentures are a type of denture that are placed immediately after tooth extraction, providing patients with a complete set of teeth during the healing process. They are custom-made to fit your mouth and closely mimic the appearance of your natural teeth.



Overdentures are a type of denture that fit over existing teeth or dental implants, providing a more stable and secure fit. They are designed to snap or clip onto abutments that are attached to the natural teeth or dental implants, which helps hold the denture in place and prevents it from slipping or moving around in the mouth.

Overdentures are typically recommended for patients who have some remaining natural teeth or dental implants that can provide support for the denture.

Implant supported dentures

Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures are a type of denture that attach to dental implants that have been surgically placed in the jawbone. They are designed to provide a more stable and secure fit than traditional dentures, which rely on suction or adhesives to stay in place.

Snap in dentures

Snap-In Dentures

Snap-in dentures, also known as implant-retained dentures or overdentures, are a type of denture that attach to dental implants using locator attachments or snaps. They offer a secure fit that is less likely to slip or shift when eating or speaking compared to traditional dentures.

What Should I Expect When Being Fitted for Dentures?

In the event that you have damaged or decayed teeth that need to be extracted, our dentist will first perform the necessary extractions before taking a mold of your remaining gum structure and the roof of your mouth. This mold serves as a blueprint for the fabrication of your dentures, ensuring that they fit comfortably and securely.

Once the mold is taken, it will be sent to a dental laboratory where skilled technicians will create your customized dentures. 

When the completed dentures are ready, you will return to our dental office in Lawrence, MA for a final fitting. During this appointment, our dentist will check the fit and adjust the dentures if necessary to ensure that they are comfortable and secure. We will also provide instructions on how to properly care for your new dentures to ensure their longevity and performance.

It’s important to keep in mind that adjusting to new dentures can take time and patience. You may experience some discomfort or soreness as your mouth adjusts to the dentures, but this is normal and should subside within a few weeks. As you become more accustomed to your dentures, you’ll be able to enjoy the many benefits they offer, including improved chewing ability, clearer speech, and a restored sense of confidence. With proper care and maintenance, your dentures can provide you with a functional and natural-looking set of teeth for many years to come.


How do I care for my dentures?

To care for your dentures, you should brush them daily with a soft-bristled brush and mild soap, rinse them thoroughly, and store them in water or denture solution when not in use.

Can I sleep with my dentures in?

It is generally recommended to remove dentures at night to give your gums and jawbone a chance to rest and to allow for proper cleaning and maintenance.

How long do dentures last?

The lifespan of dentures can vary depending on the type, material, and frequency of use, but they typically last between 5-10 years.

Are dentures expensive?

The cost of dentures can vary depending on several factors, such as the type, materials, and the complexity of the fabrication process. At Dental Partners Lawrence we will provide you with a cost estimate based on your individual needs.

Can dentures be repaired if they break?

Yes, dentures can often be repaired if they become damaged or broken. Your dentist can assess the damage and recommend the appropriate repair method.

Can dentures affect my speech?

It is common to experience some changes in speech patterns when adjusting to new dentures, but with practice, most people can speak normally.

What should I do if my dentures become loose?

If your dentures become loose, it may be time for an adjustment or replacement. Contact your dentist to schedule an appointment for an evaluation.

Is there a dentist near me in Lawrence, MA that offers custom dentures?

Yes.  At our Lawrence, MA dental office we offer dentures to patients that live in Lawrence, MA and the surrounding area.  Contact our office today to schedule an appointment.

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All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 Dental Implants

Eat, laugh and smile with confidence with All-on-4 implants

Are you tired of missing teeth affecting your smile and ability to eat comfortably? Look no further than All-on-4 dental implants! This revolutionary technique involves just four strategically placed titanium posts and a denture plate to restore a full arch of teeth, leaving you with a beautiful, functional smile in just one session. Say goodbye to the hassle of bone grafts and multiple appointments, and hello to a brand new you with All-on-4 dental implants.

What are All-on-4 dental implants?

The All-on-4 dental implant technique, also referred to as full arch implants, comprises four titanium posts strategically implanted along the arch of the jaw and connected to a denture plate. Its primary goal is to replace a complete arch of teeth, restoring the functionality of your bite and the aesthetic of your smile.

This method is an exceptional solution for missing teeth that entails a minor two-hour surgery per arch. The All-on-4 system eliminates the necessity for bone grafts to support the implant as the dentist can position the posts in the most compact part of the jaw. It reduces chair time and recovery time as the whole process, from post insertion to denture fitting, is accomplished in one session, allowing you to leave with a brand new smile on the same day.

What is the All-on-4 Dental Implant Procedure?

Curious about All-on-4 dental implants? This innovative dental implant technique utilizes small titanium screws that fuse to your jawbone, replacing the root of a missing tooth. While traditional implants require one for each missing tooth, All-on-4 streamlines the process by using just four implants to support a full set of upper or lower teeth. Unlike the traditional method that may require bone grafting and sinus augmentation, All-on-4 only needs two implants angled at 45 degrees, avoiding areas of low bone density while maintaining strength. Say hello to a new smile without the hassle, thanks to All-on-4.

Benefits of choosing All on 4 implants over conventional implants:

  • Support for a full arch with only four implants required
  • No need for bone grafting
  • Reduced healing and rehabilitation process due to less invasive surgery
  • Faster procedure than traditional implants
  • Greater flexibility for designing and fitting replacement teeth
  • Lower bone density needed to secure the implant
  • Fixed teeth can be received within just 24 hours after surgery
mature worman at dentist

Who is a candidate for All-on-4?

If you’re wondering whether full mouth implants are a viable option for your dental concerns, the answer is yes! Here are some common situations where we may recommend this treatment:

  • Your missing, failing, or damaged teeth severely affect your daily life, eating habits, and self-confidence when smiling.
  • You’ve tried dentures, but they don’t fit properly, cause discomfort, and risk embarrassing accidents.
  • Conventional implants aren’t an option for you due to reduced bone density resulting from tooth loss or gum disease.
happy mature couple

The Next Step in All-on-4 dental implants at our Lawrence, MA dental office

If you’re tired of concealing your smile and seeking information about the available options, our Dental Partners Lawrence is here to assist you. We can conduct an implant assessment, during which we can evaluate your individual requirements and potential treatment results.


How long do all-on-4 implants last?

All-on 4 implants are designed to last at least 20 to 25 years, with the potential for life-long wear.

Does food get stuck under all-on-4 dental implants?

Great news for food lovers! Dental implants are securely placed along the gum line, making it highly unlikely for food to get stuck underneath. However, in the case of an improperly positioned implant, there is a possibility for some food to seep between teeth or around the base.

How do I clean all-on-4 dental implants?

After each meal, use dental floss to clean under the bridge. You can also use a water pick and/or non-alcoholic antibacterial mouthwash mixed with water. It is recommended to brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush like Oral B or Sonicare. Additionally, don’t forget to brush your tongue and the inside of your cheeks to eliminate bacteria and bad breath.

Is it necessary to undergo anesthesia for the full mouth dental implants procedure?

No, it is not necessary. The procedure can be carried out with the use of either a local anesthetic or “sleep dentistry.”

With sleep dentistry, hospitalization is not required, and the procedure can be completed at our practice.

Is there a dentist near me in Lawrence, MA that offers all-on-4 dental implants?

Yes.  At our Lawrence, MA dental office we offer All-on-4 dental implants to patients from Lawrence, MA and the surrounding area.  Contact our office today to schedule an appointment.

Dental Crowns & Bridges

Dental Crowns & Bridges

Dental Crowns & Bridges

Protect your teeth and restore your natural smile

Are you tired of hiding your smile due to missing or damaged teeth? Look no further than dental crowns and bridges! These cosmetic dental procedures offer a permanent solution to restore your smile and boost your confidence. Whether you’re dealing with decay, injury, or simply looking to enhance your appearance, dental crowns and bridges can provide a natural-looking and durable solution. Read on to learn more about how these procedures can transform your smile and improve your oral health.


In the past, you may have had fillings to repair your teeth therefore you may wonder why you require an onlay or crown this time? Both of these options are an ideal way to restore teeth that have large, old restorations that can’t be repaired. Dental crowns also help to strengthen teeth after root canal therapy. These restorations are also recommended to restore a tooth that has been fractured or extensively damaged by decay in a way that a filling can’t fix.

Crowns are designed to adhere to your remaining tooth structure and cover your tooth like a cap. This allows it to encase the entire tooth, so you can eat, chew, brush, and floss with ease again.

cheerful couple


Missing teeth look unattractive, undermine your self-confidence, and make speaking and chewing uncomfortable. A bridge is a solution for replacing one or multiple missing teeth that are adjacent. It relies on adjacent teeth as anchors for one or more prosthetic teeth in the middle. These teeth support the bridge which will restore the lost function and aesthetics.

There are benefits when choosing a dental bridge such as:
• A bridge is a fixed, long-term solution that can be a better choice for some patients than an appliance that is removable.
• A bridge prevents teeth from drifting into the empty space
• A bridge is a great alternative when we can’t utilize a dental implant.

close up before dental bridge
close up after dental bridge

What Types of Dental Bridges Are Available?

Dental crowns generally have a uniform structure, but the various types of dental bridges exhibit distinct variations in their structure. At present, four different types of dental bridges are available: traditional, cantilever, Maryland, and implant-supported. The traditional dental bridge is composed of two dental crowns utilized as anchors with a fake tooth or teeth placed in the middle, making it one of the most widely used types of dental bridges. Similarly, a cantilever bridge utilizes an anchor crown only on one adjacent tooth to the missing tooth. Due to the potential excessive strain on the anchor tooth, cantilever bridges are usually not recommended, although they may be necessary towards the back of the mouth. A Maryland dental bridge, like a traditional dental bridge, employs the same structure, but instead of dental crowns, it employs a metal framework attached to the backs of the two teeth on either side of the gap. Finally, an implant-supported dental bridge is identical in structure to a traditional bridge, but with dental implants serving as the anchor teeth.

What Types of Dental Crowns Are Available?

Although the structure of dental crowns remains consistent, the materials used to make them can vary significantly. Dental crowns are typically made from stainless steel, metal, porcelain fused to metal, all-resin, or all-ceramic/all-porcelain materials. Stainless steel crowns are commonly used in children on baby teeth or as temporary crowns, while metal crowns made from gold, platinum, or base metal alloys are a more common choice for permanent crowns. Porcelain fused to metal (PFM) crowns feature a metal base with a ceramic exterior, which provides both strength and a natural appearance. All-resin crowns are made from dental composite resin and can be color-matched to your teeth, while all-ceramic/all-porcelain crowns offer a stronger alternative to all-resin and can also be matched to the natural color of your teeth.

single dental crown

How Is a Dental Crown or Bridge Placed

Placing a dental crown or bridge requires two appointments. During the initial appointment, dental impressions will be taken, and your tooth or teeth will be prepared. Dental impressions are critical in creating a mold of your mouth that will be sent to a dental laboratory. The dental laboratory will use this information to create a custom-made dental crown or bridge. Your tooth or teeth will also need to be prepared for the placement of a crown or bridge. To accomplish this, your mouth will first be numbed to ensure your comfort. The decayed tissue is then removed, and the remaining tissue is reshaped. This process will need to be repeated for each tooth that is receiving a dental crown. Once the tooth is shaped, a temporary crown or bridge will be installed to protect the teeth while the permanent restoration is being fabricated.

Upon completion of the permanent restoration, you will return to our office for a second appointment. During this second visit, the temporary crown or bridge will be removed, and your teeth will be cleaned before placing the permanent restoration.


How long do dental crowns last?

The lifespan of dental crowns varies depending on the material used, proper care, and oral hygiene. Generally, dental crowns can last between 5 to 15 years or longer.

How long do dental bridges last?

With proper care, dental bridges can last up to 10 to 15 years or more, depending on the type of bridge, the materials used, and the patient’s oral hygiene habits.

How do I care for my dental crown or bridge?

To care for your dental crown, you should brush twice a day, floss daily, use an antibacterial mouthwash, and visit your dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups.

Are dental crowns painful to get?


Getting a dental crown typically involves some mild discomfort, but your dentist will administer local anesthesia to numb the area and make the procedure as comfortable as possible.

Can anyone get a dental crown or bridge?

Not everyone is a candidate for a dental crown or bridge. Your dentist will evaluate your oral health and determine if a dental crown is the best treatment option for you.

Is there a dentist near me in Lawrence, MA that offers dental crowns and bridges?

Yes.  At our Lawrence, MA dental office we offer dental crowns and bridges to patients from Lawrence, MA and the surrounding area.  Contact our office today to schedule an appointment.

Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental Implants Lawrence, MA

Missing teeth don’t have to be a permanent problem – dental implants can help

Dental implants have revolutionized the field of dentistry, offering a permanent and natural-looking solution to missing teeth. Unlike traditional dentures or bridges, dental implants are designed to look and feel just like natural teeth, providing patients with a comfortable and reliable solution to tooth loss. Whether you’ve lost teeth due to injury, decay, or other factors, dental implants can restore your smile, improve your oral health, and enhance your quality of life.

Dental implants are the best way to replace a missing tooth or multiple missing teeth

Missing teeth can cause a range of dental issues, from difficulty chewing and speaking to bone loss in the jaw and shifting of surrounding teeth. While there are several options available for replacing missing teeth, dental implants are widely considered to be the most effective solution.

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are placed directly into the jawbone, providing a stable foundation for a replacement tooth or teeth. This procedure involves minor surgery, during which a small titanium post is placed into the jawbone to replace the natural tooth root. Once the post is in place, a natural-looking dental crown is attached to the top, completing the restoration of the missing tooth.

One of the main benefits of dental implants is their durability and longevity. Unlike other tooth replacement options, such as bridges or dentures, dental implants are designed to last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance. They also offer superior comfort and stability, as they are anchored directly into the jawbone, allowing for a more natural look and feel. Additionally, dental implants can help to preserve the jawbone by stimulating bone growth, which can prevent further bone loss and maintain the structure of the face.

Dental implants offer a permanent solution to missing teeth that can improve both the function and appearance of your smile.

dental implant stages

Dental Implant Options

single tooth dental implant

Single Dental Implants

Single dental implants are an effective solution for replacing a single missing tooth. After the implant has integrated with the jawbone, a custom-made crown is attached to the post, creating a natural-looking and functional replacement tooth. Single dental implants not only restore the aesthetics of a missing tooth, but also improve the functionality of the mouth and prevent surrounding teeth from shifting.

implant supported denture top

Implant Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures are a popular and effective solution for those who have lost most or all of their natural teeth. Unlike traditional dentures, which rely on suction or adhesives to stay in place, implant-supported dentures are anchored to dental implants, providing a stable and secure fit. This innovative dental treatment offers patients a range of benefits, including improved speech, enhanced comfort, and greater confidence when eating, smiling, and speaking.

implant supported bridge

Implant Supported Bridge

Fixed dental bridges with dental implants offer an effective solution for replacing multiple missing teeth. This type of restoration uses dental implants as the foundation for a bridge of two or more artificial teeth, creating a stable and long-lasting solution for tooth loss.

entire upper and lower prosthetic teeth

Full Mouth Dental Implants

Also known as full arch dental implants offer a comprehensive solution for patients who have lost most or all of their teeth. The procedure involves the placement of multiple dental implants throughout the entire upper or lower jaw, providing a sturdy foundation for a customized set of replacement teeth. Full mouth dental implants can dramatically improve oral function, enhance your appearance, and restore your self-confidence. 


What Are The Benefits Of Dental Implants?

Improve Oral Health

  • Preservation of natural teeth
  • Reduced risk of gum disease

Enhanced Appearance

  • Natural-looking and permanent solution
  • Improved speech and comfort

Improved Bone Health

  • Stimulation of natural bone growth
  • Prevention of bone loss and deterioration

Improved Function and Convenience

  • Restored ability to eat properly
  • Elimination the need for dentures

Improved Overall Health

  • Improved nutrition and digestion
  • Reduced risk of health issues associated with missing teeth

Improved Speech

  • Allows clear and confident speech
  • No slipping or moving unlike dentures

Am I a good candidate for Dental Implants?

Good overall health: To ensure the success of dental implant surgery, it’s crucial that you are in good overall health. This means that you should not have any underlying health conditions that could interfere with the healing process, such as diabetes or heart disease.

Healthy gums and jawbone: Dental implants rely on a certain amount of healthy gum tissue and jawbone for success. If you have advanced gum disease or significant bone loss in your jaw, it may not be possible to support an implant properly, making you an unsuitable candidate.

A commitment to oral hygiene: Like your natural teeth, dental implants require regular care and maintenance to ensure longevity. If you are committed to practicing good oral hygiene and taking care of your implants, you may be a suitable candidate for the procedure.

The most effective way to determine if dental implants are right for you is to schedule a consultation with our experienced implant dentist in Lawrence, MA. During your consultation, we will assess your individual needs and provide you with personalized recommendations to help you restore your smile.

mature woman happy smiling

The Advantages of Implants Over Traditional Dentures

Dental implants have several advantages over traditional dentures. First and foremost, dental implants provide a permanent solution for tooth loss. Unlike dentures that may slip or cause discomfort, implants are anchored into the jawbone, providing stability and a natural feel. This means that patients can speak, eat, and smile with confidence, without worrying about their dentures shifting or falling out.

Another advantage of dental implants is that they help to preserve the jawbone. When a tooth is lost, the bone in the jaw can begin to deteriorate over time. Dental implants mimic the natural tooth root and stimulate the bone, promoting growth and preventing further deterioration. This can help to maintain the shape and structure of the face, ensuring that patients look and feel their best.

Lastly, dental implants are more durable than traditional dentures. With proper care and maintenance, implants can last a lifetime, while dentures may need to be replaced every few years. This means that dental implants are a long-term investment in a patient’s oral health and overall wellbeing. Overall, dental implants offer a permanent, stable, and durable solution for tooth loss, with numerous advantages over traditional dentures.

man putting dentures in mouth


Are dental implants painful?

Are dental implants painful? Most patients report experiencing little to no pain during the dental implant procedure.

Can anyone get dental implants?

Not everyone is a suitable candidate for dental implants. Patients need to have healthy gums and adequate bone density to support the implant.

How long do dental implants last?

Dental implants are designed to be a long-term solution for tooth loss. With proper care and maintenance, they can last a lifetime.

Can dental implants be removed?

Dental implants can be removed, but it is not recommended unless absolutely necessary. This process can be complicated and may require additional surgery.

Does dental insurance cover dental implants?

Most dental insurance plans do not cover the cost of dental implants. However, some plans may cover a portion of the cost, depending on the plan and the individual’s circumstances.

Can smoking affect dental implants?

Smoking can have a negative impact on dental implants’ success rate. Smoking can increase the risk of infection and hinder the healing process.

Can dental implants be done in a single day?

In some cases, dental implants can be completed in a single day. However, this is not always possible, and it depends on the individual’s needs and circumstances.

Are there any alternatives to dental implants?

There are several alternatives to dental implants, including dentures and dental bridges. However, these options may not be as long-lasting or effective as dental implants.

What is the success rate of dental implants?

The success rate of dental implants is very high, with a success rate of over 95%. Factors that can affect the success rate include a patient’s overall health, the location of the implant, and the skill of the dental professional.

Is there an age limit for getting dental implants?

There is no age limit for dental implants. As long as a patient has healthy gums and sufficient bone density, they may be a suitable candidate for dental implants.

Is there a dentist near me in Lawrence, MA that offers dental implants?

Yes.  At our Lawrence, MA dental office we offer dental implants to patients living in Lawrence, MA and the surrounding area.  Contact our office today to schedule an appointment.